8. A better quality, more human with less tyranny and less over-active in vain waste of energy and efforts economic world with the vote-money.
As the 1st levels of needs, physiology and safety are universally satisfied by all individuals, life in such vote-money economic system is more human with less tyranny. But this cannot occur if the over-activity in vain and waste of efforts in the preset capitalism would not reduce, permitting larger centralizations in the production and administration of the biosphere that are more economic and efficient. On the other hand, that traumatic failure of the soviet system (and tyranny) proves that such a higher centralization cannot succeed if the Leaders, and Managers of such centralization do not have also higher metaphysical and social maturity. So the ability and success of such a vote-money economic system depends also not only on the new institutional decisions about money, but mainly on the metaphysical, personal, and social maturity of the best of the individuals in the society that could run the management of centralized production units.
The next video is essentially a history of the current monetary system , after the abandoning of the rule of gold, till today.
It is an interesting video by Mike Maloney, for the need of a new monetary system is at
Speculating about how the rest of the financial system, should be so as to function in a more healthy , stable and solvent way, here is an extract from a blog about ecological communities and their "internal macroeconomics". From these remarks we can easily deduce how the global economic system was initially intented to be.
Here are some beliefs that create the reality of the experience of personal and social life for many people in the current civilization. Blessed are those that hold the truth in them that all of them are wrong!
1) In order to have the right to be alive, anyone in any age, and have access to the resources of the ecological planetary biosphere, or the inherited inventions and achievements of many past generations in the civilization, you must earn the necessary amount of money. Other wise you are not entitle to the above rights.
2)That the economic inequalities are not less than 20% a reflection of the meritocracy of the have ones versus the non-haves ones, and more than 80% a result of the law of activities "money attracts more money", in other words one of the basic property of money and the game of private property. On the contrary they are more than 80% the result of meritocracy, are therefore fair, and that there is no statistically certain fact that a percentage of the population will be lead in to a miserable non-livable life and it is therefore not a responsibility of the economic system. Economic inequalities do not apply automatically a deadly negative , massive scale destructive will in the population.
3) The current economic system of inequalities of private property and money( e.g. as described by the Pareto rules of 80%-20%) is the natural and best mode of evolution of the societies. It is always better to have a minority with high standards of life, even if it is only an ideal for the poorer masses.
4) Every form of success and self-realization and creation of personal competence and value in life, is also the creation of personal financial wealth. The more the personal value, the more the economic difference from the average person's wealth. In short money and personal wealth more or less count also for personal value.
5) Only the state, is the appropriate power to take responsibility and solve all problems of life and society, and I just wait to take advantage of the benevolent solutions.
6) The right and exclusive privilege of the private industry of the banking system, to issue ("print") money and circulate it exclusively through debt, does no create in a periodic way massive financial destruction in the societies.
7) The right of the capital, to buy whole companies, and their human resources power, or the human working time, it is not a form of partial and indirect slavery. Survival of the individual with making a living by selling the working-time will always be the mode of social life of the individual.
8) The jungle-law of the powerful animal, as the one that by definition applies and creates suffering to the weak animals , is also a universal law in the human civilization.
9) Love is a state of weakness. Most often it leads to loss of freedom of loss of personal or social power and unhappiness.
10) It is not true that in the very existence of any single human being, there is the ability of miracles. Only the God, or God's invocation could make miracles.
11) In order for some one to have a successful and happy life, he/she must start by acquiring money and creating sufficient wealth. All else, more or less, will come sooner or later.
12) The emotions are the most important aspect of the human consciousness and must have the last word in the human decisions.
13) The only motives of people, so as to do what they do in their lives are survival, (including sex and procreation) or money (the economic security, or the desire of becoming rich).
14) The only true value in human life is to fall in love, then to make a family and have children.
15) The natural state of a human being is suffering and unhappiness. Happiness is a rare intermittent state.
16) Most things in life are not determined by a human being. They simply happen to him. Few only are determined by him and for few only things he/she is responsible in his/her fate. Therefore the external conditions determine much more the life than the internal conditions of his/her existence.
17) Each individual is mainly his/her worst failures , weaknesses , fears and problems.
18) You abilities and worth, are only what you can prove from what you have done (e.g. by a CV).
19) What you are, is mainly what others believe or assess about you, and not so much what you believe and know for yourself.
20) Truth , and reality is mainly almost entirely the negative, undesired or ugly realizations of thinking. And conversely the negative, undesired or ugly realizations of thinking, are bound to be the truth and reality.
21) There is no other deeper physical material reality, than everything that is made from protons neutrons, and electrons. Beyond these and in smaller space scale there is nothing but vacuum and empty space. (this belief is relevant to our current oil energy model and the CO2 emissions in the air, that deplete oxygen).
22) The universe was created by a Big Bang 13-14 billion years ago. It does not hold that the world is in swirl motion of galaxies and stars that increases and decreases the world entropy periodically , and that the universes age is 21 trillion years
23) The carnivorous habits (meat eating) are the natural nutrition model of food that by biological design is the appropriate for the human body. Animal slavery , livestock and breeding animals for human beings food is a standard civilization behavior that will never be abandoned. (This is relevant to the agriculture , livestock and cattle breeding planetary scale model of food resources)
24) Making children , is always good and moral, in spite of any adversities or poor economic conditions of the parents and society. (This belief is relevant to the emergence of overpopulation).
25) The human being is always with narrow selfishness oriented to personal private property and will never take responsibility of the global sustainability of the biosphere of the planet. (this is relevant to our destruction of the physical environment)
26) There is no other intelligent civilization in the billions of planets of our galaxies, galaxies around and in the world in general except the earthly civilization. (this is relevant to our claim that anything about aliens is a collective fantasy)
27) The earthly civilization will never unite in a global democratic and fair political system, with as little power inequalities as possible and where no single nation or race will dominate all others.
28) Travelling with human passengers to other solar systems , is out of our technological reach for the next 2-3 of centuries.
29) The interior of the earth is full of magma and high temperature matter. It does not hold that till the 2/3 of the radius of earth it is hollow with inner atmosphere neither that it has a sun-like gaseous fiery ball at the center.
30) Money will always be used inside the societies of the earthly civilization. There is no advanced social life without money. Money do not make people wicked.
31) The mode of communication of human being from close distance will always be through speaking verbally with a voice transmitted as sound through the air. Human beings will never become fully telepathic through evolution in a natural way. Neither any universal-planetary inner-visual 3-dimensional pictures language will unite collective all people in the planet. This can be done only though technology like the internet.
32) Private property will always be the mode of individual power and the base of the economy. The human soul will always be attending and receiving, as its main and strongest interest , perceptions from the material physical objects. And as long there is private property, there must be money too. Money is not the means of applying power from human to humans , but it is neutral and the means of transactions.
33) The Homo Sapiens is an evolutionary development of primates and monkeys of earth, since 6 million years ago. It is not the descendant of the population of Atlantis and Lemuria that were destroyed 27 and 31 thousand years B.C. and founded 57 and 72 thousand years B.C. respectively. Or if they are, Lemuria and Atlantis, were not collective colonies of intelligent civilizations from Lyra, who already new inter-galactic travelling and had come 50 million years ago in Lyra from another galaxy.
We could regroup , the (spiritual) principles or beliefs, in to
1) Those referring to , the physical reality, and cosmology.
2) Those referring to the history and creation of life, and civilizations, among the galaxies, and and also history and creation of life on earth, and earthly civilizations.
3) Those referring to the how a society and civilization must or can function, beliefs about money, power, fame, and human rights.
4) These referring to the human existence, its evolution , values and abilities
And after these 4 categories a system of spiritual beliefs and principles closer to truth, and appropriate evolution of the human existence would be the next.
1) Those referring to , the physical reality, and cosmology.
1.1) The universe was not created by a Big Bang 13-14 billion years ago. It is by far more reasonable and probable that there is a swirl motion of galaxies and stars that increases and decreases the world entropy periodically , and that it may not be improbable that the universes age is about 21 trillion years, as many galactic civilization 3-4 thousand years more advanced that us, believe.
For the periodic motion see e.g. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKtevjrZOGs
1.2) The physical reality is not exhausted by the matter that we know , which is made from protons neutrons and electrons (the only permanent and free particles, anti-matter not included). On the contrary there are many more similar layers of matter , made from such triads of smaller free and permanent particles. Each such layer having a frequency. Therefore although the layer of matter that we know (made from protons neutron electrons, and which is only one frequency of material reality) may have an age of 21 billion years (as as many galactic civilization 3-4 thousand years, more advanced than us believe) the universe as a whole, having more such frequencies-layers, should be older. The advanced civilizations in the galaxy report at least 10 such material physical frequencies-layers. The last one the 10th created recently during the 90s. The next (second) frequency-layer material reality after the one that we know, has sometimes being called aether in the history of the human civilization. The term frequency, in the matter we know, refers to the average frequency of the spin of protons, neutrons, and electrons.
(For the numbering of the frequencies of physical material realities see post 12)
1.3) The interior of the earth is not full completely from magma and high temperature matter. It does hold that from the center and till the 2/3 of the radius of earth it is hollow with inner atmosphere and it has a sun-like gaseous fiery ball at the center. In order to understand this we should have more advanced scientific theory of gravitation than the one we have. This fact of hollow planet, holds for almost all planets and stars in the galaxies.
Here is an 3D animation video, which gives the above assumed concept (in the video the width of the shell is shown half of what mentioned here)
2) Those referring to the history and creation of life, and civilizations, among the galaxies, and and also history and creation of life on earth, and earthly civilizations.
2.1) Life and civilizations exist elsewhere too, on planets of other solar systems of the galaxies, as they exists on earth on the known material reality (and frequency) . But they exist also in higher frequencies or layers of material realities, both in our solar system (e.g. higher 3rd frequency invisible satellites of planet Jupiter) as well as in other solar systems. Each living planet can hold as tonal frequency, one only frequency.
2.2) The intelligent civilizations in the local area of galaxies make alliances and groups according to their common values, power, DNA lineage etc.
2.3) Our earthly human mammal civilization (called by us Homo-Sapiens) is not a pure indigenous earthly specie of humanoids, but it started coming on earth as colonizers or refugees from other solar systems in the galaxy. This may have happened even up to 50 millions of years ago, but as easily proven fact reported from other galactic civilizations give, at least 700 thousand years ago.
2.4 ) It is not the first time (as DNA lineage) that we evolve at our current civilization level. We were more advanced in the past on this planet. E.g. the stories of Lemuria and Atlantis till 31 and 27 thousand years B.C respectively.
2.5) Coinciding with the creation of the new 10th frequency cosmic physical material layer during the 90s, it became widely known among the civilizations of the galaxies, that all life and planetary civilizations at the known 1st frequency material layers (like earth) will eventually "jump" in frequency or migrate to the 2nd or higher frequency material layers, as whole planetary worlds. The 1st frequency physical material layer all over the world will no longer serve as a layer to host consciousness anymore throughout out the galaxies. Therefore as this also will be the way our planetary world will evolve, it is imperative to know more about life and civilizations in higher frequencies. E.g. it is reported that the human beings in 3rd frequency living planetary worlds, no longer need to feed themselves with other life-forms, but take their energy from the sun. And it is also reported that already the planet Jupiter, that we know it as planet in the 1st frequency material reality, it is a blue sun, in the 3rd frequency material reality.
3) Those referring to the how a society and civilization must or can function, beliefs about money, power, fame, and human rights.
3.1) The more advanced is a civilization the less the inequalities of technology, living standards and political power of humans in the same frequency physical reality. Nevertheless a civilization can exist inn 3 or 4 consecutive frequency physical realities not only in one (as we know it on earth). The more advanced a civilization the faster it evolves, and shifts from frequency to higher frequency.
3.2) The current economic inequalities are less than 20% a reflection of the meritocracy of the have ones versus the non-haves ones, and more than 80% a result of the law of activities "money attracts more money". In other words it is one of the basic properties of money and the game of private property. Economic inequalities do apply automatically a deadly negative , massive scale destructive will in the population, unless there is an effort to reduce and eliminate them.
3.3) Therefore a new basic human right is needed that of minimum guaranteed standards of living ,either if he/she works or not , and at all ages, which includes health, food, cloths, house, transportation.
3.4) Eventually a planetary civilization will not function by utilizing money and private property. But as long as it does in its early stages of evolution, the currency should be issued only the the public state, and should circulate in the society mainly without debt. (In other words eventually without a banking system). In addition the right of the capital, to buy whole companies, and their human resources power, or the human working time, it is a form of partial and indirect slavery and it will abandoned as the civilization advances. Survival of the individual by making a living by selling the working-time will have to be abandoned as the mode of social life of the individual, as the civilization becomes more evolved.
3.5) As a civilization advances, it abandons the carnivorous habits and turns in to vegetarian habits.
3.6) The social and personal success of a human being is more about realizing the intent of the soul and less about acquiring by itself, material possessions, or social power etc.
3.7) When a civilization is sufficiently advanced, all the communication between the individuals is through voiceless telepathic spiritual ability, of projecting 3-dimensional inner holographic pictures between each other, in a intuitive way. Therefore our internet is a gross technological external early reflection of this future collective spiritual ability. This spiritual ability increases equality among people, and creates a non-hierarchical, in the political will, society.
4) These referring to the human existence, its evolution , values and abilities
4.1) It is true that in the very existence of any single human being, there is the ability of miracles. It is not only that the God, or God's invocation that could make miracles. But this ability of miracles , as creative power, of the human beings in this planet and civilizations has being blocked by a collective system of beliefs relevant to the history of the particular civilization.
4.2) The human beings as souls, are magnificent and glorious immortal existences and perceivers. Souls are incarnated and reincarnated in mortal physical (of various level frequencies) human bodies. Most earthly humans have been before incarnated in the past in other civilizations in other solar systems, some more times repeatedly in this planet, and some in higher frequencies material realities of other solar systems. The more advanced a civilization the happier and healthier are its members, and the higher the frequency of their physical bodies. The higher the frequency in their bodies the more love and joy is felt , expressed , practiced and experienced, and also the more the human existence takes responsibility of its fate and way of existence , and also the more the freedom and the higher the creative powers. In addition the higher the frequency, the longer the life of the human beings.
4.3) Given that the current earthly civilization is an emerging yet, of not very high degree of evolution, while the incarnated human existences may be by far more experienced and advanced, it is the civilization's values and principles that must evolve and fit to the deeper values and principles of the immortal human existence and not the opposite.
Here are some guidlines for the internal macro-economics and finances of eco-communities and federation of communities. Compared to the current in the societies they are renormalized, without the known pathogenesis.
1) The economic structure is essentially a power structure from human to humans rather than from humans to the physical reality.
2) In a distant future development of individuals and society, there would be no need of power structures, besides the individual and the society as a whole. Neither it would be necessary to utilize money at all. But this is not applicable in a current state of evolution, where many individuals have strong desire and will to apply power over other people (or have other people apply power to them). If in the current state of evolution an economic system would allow only the power of the individual and the public state, without any intermediate private sector, it would occur, totalitarian and tyrannical phenomena similar to those in the communistic Soviet Union and China.
3) It is therefore almost unavoidable that intermediate power structures (“private sector”) must keep the balance to avoid tyranny. The organization units of this intermediate structure are shaped because of a) the individuals strong desire of power over other people b) through the “free market” game of “private property” and c) after the social law of universal attraction, that leads to a Pareto distribution of volumes of power.
4) In the current system to regulate this “private sector” power structure can be done through two tools a) money b) voting. (Both are "technologies of transfer and propagation of rights of power from humans over other humans and objects", which create power structures. But the voting tool is a bit more advanced, it is used mainly by the public sector, as it involves principles, expression, etc versus mainly only action that money involves).
5) In a future more advanced evolution the regulation and creation of "private sector" power structures, can be done entirely through the tool of voting, while money may have been entirely eliminated.
6) A “private sector” with intense power (economic) inequalities creates unhappiness, crimes, and violence. Any improvement from the current state to more evolved would involve lessening the power (or economic) inequalities.
A. Morality renormalization at the scale of the individual and the household.1) Money is essentially destined to be exchanged with objects mainly, not so much with abstract intangible services, or other abstract values as "value of an enterprise" or "value of the whole of the community" etc. The more advanced the community , the more it will refrain from buying even human labor, as it is nothing else than soft-slavery. The human soul is involved in the human labor, and human existence in personal time. The abstract-use of money occurs not at the scale of household, but at the scale of enterprise (surplus wealth=capital=operational power, buy an enterprise) , domestic economy (buy.....a nation), and global economy (buy....the planet). The more advanced and uniform the community the less the use of money, the more the demonetisation. The abstract power of money (from the enterprise and above,surplus wealth=capital=operational power) may be substituted with the political power of voting. The more advanced the community, the more the economic interplay is shifted from win-lose or lose-win, to win-win or lose-lose. The more advanced the community, the less the financial differences.
2) There is a minimum household wealth that everyone has the right from birth till death. And there is a maximum household wealth (which is also protected from any bankruptcy) . Any surplus wealth above the maximum household wealth, can be used for enterprises and business but not for the private household. Surplus wealth is a weaker form of ownership compared to household wealth.
B. Monetary system macroeconomic renormalization
3) If the community or federation of communities is to issue their own currency, then no private group can have this privilege other than the collective of the communities. There must be an reasonable frequent inventory of the objects of coins and paper-money, (not financial value) so that each time the communities "print" new money, to replenish from the diffusion to external social environment or for other reason (increase of the population of the community etc) , only a limited percentage of it can be lent (e.g. < 20%). The newly "printed" money is to circulate mainly through investments, subsidies, payments etc. The above rules garantee that the currency will not be led to non-solvent over-debt by printing and lending 100% of the printed money by any private subgroup. The currency is issued by the community with the following rules: For each person it is printed every month 3 equal amounts of currency (A,A,A) e.g. if A=1,000, then 1,000+1,000+1,000=3,000. The first 1,000 it is for the unconditional monthly income for the person, the second 1,000 for the community, and the 3rd 1,000 for the environment and the rest of the world. Each year the currency loses 50% of its value ( about 5% monthly or 0.2% daily). We call this rule the gradido rule. The quantity A, can be defined by the formula A=(a*W)/(3*20*P) where W is the total wealth as assets of the public state, in current prices, a is the percentage of the assets that should be in money (liquity), e.g.a=20%-33%, and P is the total number of individuals in the society. The coeficient 20 , is set , as if all money are saved simple mathematics prove that with 50% annual decrease of the value of money, the accumulated money per individual is 20*A. And the coefficient 3 is set, as money are issued in three amounts of A. The coefficient a and its adjustments, may be the object of political decisions.